Here at Bryant Wesleyan Church, we want to help you take the next steps in your walk with Jesus! Below are some ways for you to continue growing and getting involved here at BWC.
At BWC, our biggest desire is that you would come to know Jesus as your Lord and Savior. If this is a step that you’d like to take, please call our office (260-997-6231) or email one of our pastors; we’d love to talk with you!
Romans 10:9 says “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved!”
One of the best ways to continue connecting with God is to regularly attend service on Sunday mornings. We believe that the regular gathering together of believers is important for everyone!
In order to grow, we must invest ourselves deeper than just for an hour on a Sunday morning. Our Small Groups, Sunday School Classes and Bible Studies offer a time to study God’s Word together. Some of these meet in homes while others meet at the church.
Baptism is the public declaration of your faith in Jesus Christ. We celebrate baptism as a time of commitment and we believe that the Bible calls every believer to make that commitment. If you are interested in being baptized, let us know here!
God has given each and every one of us gifts and talents to be used to serve in His Kingdom. Discover the areas in our church that you are passionate about and get involved! Serving alongside fellow believers is an awesome and fun way we grow in our faith!
Membership in our church is all about belonging. It’s like putting down roots somewhere so that you can grow! We invite you to take a step into membership at Bryant Wesleyan. Attending a Membership class is the best way to find out more about what membership is all about and the benefits it brings to you and to the church! Our Sr. Pastor offers membership classes regularly, but don’t wait, feel free to contact him today to start the conversation.
At BWC, our biggest desire is that you would come to know Jesus as your Lord and Savior. If this is a step that you’d like to take, please call our office (260-997-6231) or email one of our pastors; we’d love to talk with you!
Romans 10:9 says “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved!”
One of the best ways to continue connecting with God is to regularly attend service on Sunday mornings. We believe that the regular gathering together of believers is important for everyone!
In order to grow, we must invest ourselves deeper than just for an hour on a Sunday morning. Our Small Groups, Sunday School Classes and Bible Studies offer a time to study God’s Word together. Some of these meet in homes while others meet at the church.
Baptism is the public declaration of your faith in Jesus Christ. We celebrate baptism as a time of commitment and we believe that the Bible calls every believer to make that commitment. If you are interested in being baptized, let us know here!
God has given each and every one of us gifts and talents to be used to serve in His Kingdom. Discover the areas in our church that you are passionate about and get involved! Serving alongside fellow believers is an awesome and fun way we grow in our faith!
Membership in our church is all about belonging. It’s like putting down roots somewhere so that you can grow! We invite you to take a step into membership at Bryant Wesleyan. Attending a Membership class is the best way to find out more about what membership is all about and the benefits it brings to you and to the church! Our Sr. Pastor offers membership classes regularly, but don’t wait, feel free to contact him today to start the conversation.